Tuesday, September 9, 2008


For our first Ireland outing, we're checking out the village of Adare. Ella is bright-eyed and bushy tailed, but Jacob won't wake up. We dress him in his sleep, move him downstairs while sleeping, and leave him on a chair while everyone else gets ready to go. Once loaded up, we stop by the Manor house. We walk around a bit, looking at the entry hall, the dining hall, and the grounds. The grounds crew were working on the geometrical gardens so we had to cut the visit short. Next was a quick drive by of the ruined Augustinian Priory. It's on the Manor grounds, but isn't open to the public. Next we stopped by the Trinitarian Abbey and walked around. There is school in session so there wasn't much we could see, so we headed to the Adare Heritage Centre. Klif and Jordan opted to walk around town while we took a tour of Adare Castle. It was really interesting. Unfortunately, this tour seemed to correspond with Ella's nap time so Kris and I had to take turns taking her away from the tour group so other people could hear. Ella picked up three more words: rock, walk, and camera. Yell these at the top of your voice repeatedly for an idea of our tour. Jacob, on the other hand, kept quiet but decided to take his entire tour while jumping. Once we returned to the Heritage Centre, we met up with Klif and Jordan and headed back to the Villas. Then we all took naps except for Jacob who watched movies all afternoon.

Pictures: http://s292.photobucket.com/albums/mm4/jessica_c_rhodes/Adare/

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