Monday, April 26, 2010


Ella is still a ballerina, though sometimes she prefers to be a ninja or a pirate. You can tell she's a pirate when she says, "ARRRRRR!"

Ella is amazing at drawing, but never likes to show anyone what she's done.

Ella's best friend is Jill, a little girl from daycare.

Ella believes she has mermaid hair.

Ella has recently picked out her first nail polish. It's hot pink, of course, and she loves to have "pink toes."

Ella has started blaming us for hitting her. She'll come running down the hall crying saying, "Daddy hit me!" when Kris has been in the dining room the entire time. If she gets in trouble and gets a time out, she will scream, "I'm telling on you!"

We're still working on the potty training... this is going to have to be a summertime project.

This story is old, but when talking to Grandma on the phone, Ella was asked to sing a song. Ella replied, "I can't. I don't have a band yet!"

Kris took Ella to the grocery store and she picked out some purple mums for me because purple is my favorite color (it's not, but whatever).

Ella repeatedly states, "I'm a good climber, actually!"

Ella can quote lines from TV shows she's only seen once. She will often run through an entire scene to herself and if you haven't seen the spisode, you'll have no idea what she's talking about.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Both kiddos had check-ups this week. Everything went well and the kids are as healthy as horses. Jacob had to get 3 shots, but was super brave and didn't even cry.

Ella is 33 pounds and 36.5 inches tall (though I thought it looked like 37.5).

Jacob is 44 pounds and 3'8" tall.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Jacob's Favorite Things Are:
*Irish Dance
*The Colts

Jacob is very excited to grow up and have kids because he likes to meet new people.

Jacob wonders how you can ever get married because so many girls are already married.

Jacob has a pile of all his best toys. These are being saved for his future kids because Jake thinks that they are cool and fun and that his kids would really like them. At one point, the pile was taking up 2/3 of his bed, but it's now been moved to the floor (and soon to a box, we hope!).

Jacob has recently been introduced to Tom and Jerry and just absolutely cracks up when he watches it, even if it's not Friday. (Jacob only laughs on Fridays.)

When Jacob grows up, he's going to have a store called The Colts and everything in there will be about The Colts. Outside in the back yard, will be rides and a playground. Jessica is allowed to work there, too, but she will have to live at home, not in the store.

Jacob has a kindergarten level workbook that he likes. Once he finishes a lesson, however, someone had BETTER give him a 100 A+ or else.

Regardless of how many times Ella hits Jacob over the head and screams at him, he never hits her back. We have told him it's okay to do so (because often she deserves it) but he never wants to. That pacifism and maturity make us very happy, but we wince as he stands there getting pummeled by Ella.

Jacob will be competing in his first Feis (fesh) this summer on June 12th. He'll be dancing his very best jig in the 5 and under category.

Jacob no longer likes pizza but LOVES broccoli.

Jacob's Pile

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This Week in Pictures

I am the recipient of many, many flowers.

Poor Ella...

Jacob, as a rule, only laughs on Fridays, but will make an exception for Tom and Jerry.

Day Two Without Kris

5AM: Woke up one hour early to get myself ready first.

6AM: Woke up Jacob, got him ready, woke up Ella, gave her a bath (strangely familiar...). She cries the entire time as I wash the barf out of her hair.

6:50AM: Out the door. Drop off Ella. Drop off Jacob. Get to work.

2:00PM: No calls about Ella, so I run to Target and the grocery store.

3:15PM: Pick up Jacob.

3:30PM: Pick up Ella. She was woken up from her nap, but had fallen back to sleep. She'd had no problems during the day and got to have some Jell-o. Once at home, she lays back down for a while and the kids watch some cartoons. She gets more playful, but still won't eat anything. She only wants juice.

7:30PM: Put the kids to bed.

8:00PM: Put the kids to bed again. Jake says he can't go to bed because his bed is wet. Ella's apparently sick on the other end now... Change Ella's diaper. Change Jacob's sheets. Lights out and good night.

9:00PM: Ella needs another diaper change, but this is the last I hear from her all night.

9:30PM: I'm in bed HOURS before my usual bedtime.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day One Without Kris

Kris is presenting a paper at a conference in Atlanta. He left the house at 3AM on Thursday and will be back on Sunday...

5AM: Woke up one hour earlier so I could get myself completely ready before starting on the kids.

6AM: Go to wake up the kids and immediately smell barf. Check Jake- nope. Check Ella- bingo! She has thrown up in the night and is sleeping in it. Get Jake ready and start him on the computer. Ran a bath for Ella so it would be ready as soon as I got her out of bed. Wake up Ella and put her in the tub. Spent the next 15 minutes bathing a crying child. Get her dry and dressed, hair up in her Mickey Mouse ears and out the door.

6:52: Arrive at new babysitter's house (regular sitter is on vacation). Knock on door several times and stand outside holding a limp 3 year old for 10 minutes. Not sure if this sitter doesn't take kids until later, so I decide to take Jake to school first.

7:10: On the way to Jacob's school, Ella starts barfing the 4 ounces of juice she had this morning. Get Jake to school, unsure of what to do about Ella (law says take her out of the car, but she's covered in barf) so I just leave her and pick up Jake and run in. Run back out, get back into car. On the way out of the parking lot, I see someone I work with, so I tell her to tell the office I'm staying home today.

7:30: Get Ella home, get her changed. Made three layers of blankets on the couch with towels in the floor and let her watch TV. She's lethargic and whimpering that her tummy hurts. I spend the morning washing her bedding and clothes until I run out of laundry soap.

11:00: Ella starts crying and wants the TV off. She says she wants to go to bed. Luckily, her bedding and kitty just finished in the dryer, so I tuck her into bed.

12:30: Ella wakes up and wants juice. I give her 2 ounces. For the next 2 hours, I give her little portions of juice. She seems to be feeling better and I think that maybe we'll be able to take Jacob to dance class later.

2:30: Getting ready to go pick up Jake from school and Ella barfs all her juice. I'm out of laundry soap, so I just have to pile everything on the washer. I change Ella again and try to wash her hair without giving her another bath. I notice that she has a fever. I get her loaded in the car, stop by Walgreens and pick up laundry soap and children's Motrin. Ella is hot and limp. Get her back into the car and go pick up Jacob. He's out on the playground, so I leave Ella in the car again and go get Jake. We go home and Ella goes back to lying on the couch.

3:30: Give Ella the Motrin.

4:00: Ella's fever breaks and she wants me to hold her. As time passes, she starts talking and singing and asks for food. She's able to eat some chicken noodle soup and by the end of the evening, she's almost back to normal.

7:30: Put the kids to bed, finish the laundry, do the dishes, clean the living room.

9:30: Went to bed. I'm normally in bed at 12 on an early night, so 9:30 was ridiculously early for me : )