Friday, November 13, 2009


Jacob can now read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ella can reach the lightswitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica has been running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kris has been writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Jacob's been recognizing words for a long time now, but for the past couple of days, he's been sounding out everything he sees and is doing a great job deciphering the results. He can write the entire alphabet and all the numbers 1-10.

**Ella has been saying that she's not a big girl because she can't reach the light. Now she can, so now she is.

***Jessica has joined a gym and has been running a mile every day.

****Kris has been writing grant proposals as a side gig.


michellep said...

Life is good :)

Hope said...

Aww, I'm proud of all of you!