Thursday, October 7, 2010

Before I Get to Last Weekend...

Let me blow off some steam about what happened yesterday...

Yesterday, Ella got dropped off at my work at 1:00 because her sitter had to go somewhere. No big deal. My friend, Amy, offered us both candy, but I was feeling full, so I declined. Took Ella to Starbucks where she had an apple juice and I had an iced coffee. By the time we got home, my stomach has gone from feeling full to feeling uncomfortable. Thinking that the waist on my slacks could be contributing to my discomfort, I took off my work clothes and put on my robe. By the time Jacob gets home at 4:15, I’m feeling like I might throw up. I grab a trashcan and put it beside me in the living room. After an hour or so, I also start to feel dizzy and I think that maybe sitting is squishing my stomach so I should go lie down. I tell Jacob to get me if he needs anything and I go to bed. Didn’t mean to sleep, but of course, that’s what happened.

At 8, Jacob had put himself to bed in the floor of my room. He said, “Mommy? Are we not having dinner today?” So still feeling very sick, I got up to make the kids something to eat. When I walked into the living room, I saw Ella pantless playing the computer, bag of cereal in her hands, and about half a bag of cereal all over the floor. I’m still feeling nauseated and dizzy so the idea of getting on my hands and knees to clean is overwhelming. I tell Ella to help me pick it up, to which she says, “I can’t, I’m playing computer.” I tell her again and she begins picking the cereal off the floor and putting it back into the bag. I tell her to stop, but she keeps doing it so I erupt and scream in her face so loud that it makes my throat sore. That, of course, makes her cry, so I carry her to her room.

I go back to the kitchen, heat up a pot pie, and use the broom to clean the cereal. Jacob helps hold the dustpan so I don’t have to bend over. When the food is done, I call Ella for dinner, and I sit down to the computer while the kids eat. When they finish, I tell them to get ready for bed and they leave. I go to check on them and make sure Ella’s wearing her pull up and see that Jacob’s in the floor in my room and Ella’s in the bed. I walk over to put her pull up on and notice that she’s peed all the way down the side of the bed and into the floor. I am infuriated, but sick and exhausted, so I just have her go into the bathroom so I can wipe her off.

That’s when I notice the cereal in the bathtub.

At this point, I just put her into her pull up, send her off to bed crying, and then go to bed, myself. I still feel sick today and there is still cereal in the bathtub, but tonight Kris will be home and I can go to bed early!


Hope said...

Oh YIKES!!! I"m sorry! :( That's a horrible day. Maybe you'll be able to laugh about it in 10 years ... or maybe not.

Brooke said...

Just saying hi. Hope you are feeling better. Miss you guys!

p.s. I think Harry would totally approve of, and applaud, the idea of being the Target dog for Halloween. Target is his favorite place in the world--understandably.