Friday, December 3, 2010

A Million Things Ago...

*We picked apples with Bethany, Layla, and Jaden.
*The kids got a new cousin when Baby William was born to Klif and Jordan.
*We went to Bethany's for Halloween pizza and cupcakes and Trick or Treating. Jacob was the Target Dog, Ella was Alice. Again. It was cold, but the kids made out like bandits. Jake got tired of walking and he and Kris headed in a little early.
*We had lice and pink eye all in one week.
*Ella cut her own hair so had to get a shoulder length bob with bangs.
*Michelle came for Thanksgiving then she and I took a roadtrip to Chicago.

This week's drama is that Ella's black shoes had become so stinky that we wouldn't allow her to wear them. This caused multiple fights because, after all, Alice has black shoes therefore Ella should have black shoes. Problem was solved when Kris took Ella to get new shoes last night. She picked out some black, glittery Mary Janes.

I'll work on getting some pictures up soon...

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