Monday, January 24, 2011


*Jacob was recently taught to play Risk and has beaten Kris every time they have played.
*Jacob loves reading so we took him to the bookstore to pick out some new books. He chose Junie B. Jones and Captain Underpants.
*Jacob's girlfriend is named Mya. He says he chose her to be his girlfriend because she was smart and he thought she could teach him things.
*Jacob's favorite computer game is also his Daddy's favorite game: Starcraft.
*Jacob writes stories about the aliens in Starcraft.
*Jacob's recital will be February 16th. He is excited to wear his tie.
*Jacob's dance teacher from last year, Colin, will be in Lord of the Dance this year so Jacob and Jessica are going. Jacob is excited to wear his tie.
*Although excited about riding the bus at the beginning of the year, Jacob is no longer enchanted and says he prefers "parent pickup." He says it's too cold and too loud on the bus.
*Jacob practices writing all the time. Sometimes he just copies the front of the cereal box for practice.
*Jacob wants to learn cursive so he can "read everything."
*Jake no longer wants to take baths. He takes showers because he's a big kid.
*Jake wakes up at 6:30 or 7 every morning, sometimes earlier on school days.
*We're okay with him waking up this early because he has also learned to open a granola bar wrapper. He gets up, makes himself breakfast, and plays on the computer. He opens a granola bar for Ella, too, so they just quietly play until they get thirsty. THEN they wake us, but that's usually not until 8:30 or so.
*Jake has a routine for getting ready every morning: breakfast, computer, clothes, teeth, hair, coat. He will sit in his coat for a full hour, waiting to go, just because that's what he's supposed to put on after he combs his hair.
*Jacob's best friend is Xavier and they play Spiderman together.
*We no longer ask Jake how his day at school was because he'll answer, "It was good. It's always good. Why do you keep asking me that?"
*Jacob wears his hat everywhere we go. He says it looks cool.
*Jacob's favorite food is pot pie. This is problematic since it's not very healthy, so we save it for special occasions. That's right... frozen, microwavable pot pie is saved for special occasions.
*Jacob wants 10 marshmallows in his hot chocolate. No more, no less.
*Jacob has made his own calendar and marks off the days every day.
*Jake like playing with play-dough and uses it to make pictures on his placemat.
*Sometimes, Jake is too cool for hugs.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

You have amazing children. I think Jake will be famous.