Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jacob's Recital

Because of today's ridiculous schedule, I have no pictures and no video of the event. I went to my double doctor appointment, came home, then realized that I was supposed to have received my RhoGAM shot. I grabbed Jacob, went back to the doctor, got a shot, then headed to the recital.

I volunteered this year, so I was in charge of getting all the beginners dressed and ready. The other moms and I helped them practice then took them backstage. They weren't even my own kids but I was just as excited as I could be for each and every one of them.

Bringing them back to the dressing room, getting their class picture, taking them to the bathroom, etc made me miss Jake's first dance, but Kris and Ella were in the audience to cheer him on. This is Kris's first year to be able to go. While I was taking Jacob, Kris took Ella to her ballet class, got her changed, and brought her to the recital.

We brought the beginners up to the balcony- I thought I would DIE on that 4th flight of stairs- and I was able to watch Jacob's second dance. He did so well! We've been practicing at home so I think it really made a difference. I bought a DVD so I'll be able to watch his first dance as well.

I thought I had been told that dinner would be provided for volunteers so I didn't stop to get food for Jacob or myself- big mistake. The only food available was cookies, so Jacob and I basically had cookies for dinner. Once the recital was over at 9, I took both kids to a drive through and ordered burgers for the latest dinner ever.

Jake had a good time dancing and was happy to see his Irish Dance girlfriend, Ashlyn. There were pro pictures taken, so I'll post the link as soon as it's ready.

Today's Doctor Visits - 29 Weeks, 1 Day

Had my double doctor's appointments today. First was my sonogram where I was dismayed to see that Baby B had flipped back to frank breech. All other news was good- the boys are three pounds each and about 15 1/2 inches long. Both are very (very!) active, heart rate is good, breathing and swallowing look good... they're just as cute as they can be!

I'm starting to have to go every two weeks instead of three so this is becoming a scheduling nightmare. I'll see the doctor in two weeks, get a sonogram in week 3, then back to the doctor the week after that. Again, let me say that I am so, so thankful for the Starbucks in the hospital lobby!

Last week I passed my glucose test and my hemoglobin looks good.

We've been working on birdhouses and have received 3 in the mail. I've been feeling up to doing some work so we've slowly been getting the nursery in order.

Baby B's Chubby Cheeks

Baby B and Baby A

Baby B is Head Over Heels!

Baby A

Baby B

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today's Doctor Visits - 26 Weeks, 1 Day

Today was great! Baby B is now head down, right where he needs to be. A is 2 lbs and B is 2.4 lbs. Both look great and are moving all over the place.
Baby A and Baby B
Baby B
Baby A
Baby A