Monday, October 27, 2008


People (you know who you are) should write me or call me ot text me or something. I am DYING here! Doesn't have to be long or meaningful... just addressed to me.

Oh, really? : P ; )


Bridget said...

Uhhh...I just wrote something and it didn't post and I lost it...Sometimes I really hate computers.

Anyway, it said that I need your address ASAP. Thank youfor contributing to the stroller - that was awesome!

Kate talks about Ella AT LEAST 5 times a day still!

And we should chat before I go into labor b/c I want the dirt on how it's going there, besides that it"sucks donkey balls" as you put it earlier today :)

Jessica Rhodes said...

Thanks for just telling my family that I say dirty words.

ChaCha, Baby! said...

i texted, and i got no info on the donkey balls!