Friday, February 20, 2009


No comments? Seriously? No one but me thinks that it's amazing that Jake can speak some Spanish that nobody taught him and Ella can use the potty at the age of one and on the first try? Really??? I guess we'll have to try harder...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big Kid

Ella went potty in her frog potty today! It's the first time we've really tried to have her sit down and go, so we were really surprised that anything happened. She was so proud...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Videos!

Highlights include Jacob speaking Spanish, counting, and reading and Ella doing puzzles, ballet, and some crazy sock throwing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our Gang

Yesterday when Spring cleaning, I came across an old temporary tattoo. Jake and Ella were in the livingroom playing so I said, "Hey Jacob, you want a tattoo?" He's game for anything, so we got a wet paper towel and in about one minute, Jacob had a panther tattoo on his forearm. In about one more minute, I had a howling one-year-old. Ella was holding her little arm in the air, yelling, "BLACK PANTHER! BLACK PANTHER!" We never knew she was so political...

**The reason Ella said, "Black Panther" was because in her "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?" book, she has all the endangered animals memorized-- her favorite? Black Panther, of course.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jacob Wins!!!

In perhaps the world's longest insect dominoes game EVER, Jacob is VICTORIOUS!!!

Uncle John Corrupts the Youth

Fort Worth Excursion

First Stop: Grandad's house. Nikki and John were having furniture delivered so we stopped by Grandad's house for a bit to feed ducks and pick up Frog Potty. Frog Potty is Ella's new potty and, I believe, her new best friend. She was very upset that frog potty had to ride in the trunk.

Next Stop: John and NIkki's new apartment. We just came for a day to see the new place and to hang out. We had pizza and Grandad and Grandma Linda came over. Later we watched movies before hitting the sack. The next day, we all lounged around and played Guitar Hero.

Monday, February 9, 2009



*Bad guys have a smell. They smell like worms.
*Most sentences begin with "Wait a second..." and "Actually..."
*Sometimes he is a green goo ball. They stick and unstick.
*Jacob's stick horse is a rescue horse named Flood.
*Jacob's backpack monkey is named Gaudi and he's Spanish.
*The way to say "Hello" in Chinese is "Christmas Tree."
*The moon and the sun follow us everywhere.
*Jacob is very concerned with what foods are good for what body parts. Most meals begin with, "What is this good for my?"
*All things will be accomplished when Jacob is five. He will go to school; he will ride a bike; he will be a grandad. That is, until he learned about 100. Now everything is set back to 100. That's when he'll be bigger than Daddy.
*Sometimes we are followed by Jacob's friend, Sweeper, and the Super Brothers.
*Jacob says, "I will never want to get married. I will want to grow up and change my name to Steve and find a blue dog named Blue and a talking mailbox."
*Even if he's tired, Jacob will not go to bed until exactly 8:00.
*Jake touches the rug by the piano when entering and leaving the living room every single time.


*Most uttered phrase: "Ella do it!!!"
*Ella likes to mess up nursery rhymes and then immediately reply, "WHAT!?! That's crazy!" (i.e. "Baa baa pink sheep...WHAT!?!")
*She thinks that Elmo's full name is Elmo's World.
*Ella knows magic and uses it to "getta ba' guy."
*She believes that every single object in the universe has its own song. What's weird is that she's mostly right if we take large liberties. (i.e. "Do da Aunt Nikki song!" becomes "Oh, Nikki, you're so fine...")
*Ella thinks that all Black men in ties are Barack Obama.
*When finishing a juice box, Ella takes the bendy straw out, puts it in her mouth, and pretends to be a walrus.
*All bears must wear diapers.
*Sometimes, Ella is a robot.
*When the phone rings, Ella runs to the phone yelling, "Ella get it!!! Ella get it!!!" (Please don't hang up.)
*Ella is a puzzlemaster.
*Ella would brush her teeth ten times a day if we let her.
*If anyone but Ella closes the refrigerator door, Ella falls to the floor and cries. "Ella do it!"

I WIN!!!

I totally decimated Kris at Monopoly yesterday. I owned every single piece of property.

Tomo reacted by falling over in shock.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ella's Oops Dress

I made this dress for Ella in a size 3T because the dress before last that I made was 2T and a little too short. Looks like she'll be wearing this next year instead of this year...

Poor Jacob!

Jacob became sick Thursday night, had no problems all day Friday, but then got sick again early this morning. He keeps asking for a pepperoni pizza, but can't quite deal with toast yet.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Skateboard Lessons

And now...

Jacob is sick. Kris is here this morning so I can go to the gym. I'm a little tired of cleaning up barf.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good Morning, Barfy!

This morning, Jacob woke me up at about 6:50AM asking questions about worms. This is not unusual, but I was glad that he hadn't woken Ella in the process (as he usually does). I told him to go play in the livingroom until it was day time and NOT to wake Ella. I hear him go immediately into their shared room, talking the whole time, then walk back out and into the livingroom. About one minute later, I hear Ella calling, "Mommy!?"

I get up and wander in the dark to get Ella and bring her to bed with me. (Sometimes this works and she goes back to sleep.) As soon as I picked her up, I could smell that she needed a diaper change and her shirt was wet. I lay her down on Jacob's bed, thinking how funny it was that I could do a diaper change in the dark. I was confused when I noticed that her diaper was not poopy and that it wasn't all that wet either. I stood her up, bewildered at the stench and then I touched her hair...

(the following is in super secret code)

Her hair had chunks of food and barf all in it. I guess she threw up in her sleep and continued to sleep in it. It was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. I took her down the hall to the bathroom and finally turned on some lights. On the left side of her head was a matted mess that had to have been five inches in diameter. It was nasty. I drew a bath and immediately started working on her hair. I have never been queasy around barf, but this made me gag several times. It was one for the record books... After I gave her one bath, I drained the water and barf and gave her another one. She's not really a fan of having her hair washed and the poor girl got it twice this morning. The unfortunate thing is that her hair still stinks! I might give her another bath before she goes to bed tonight...

When I went to get her some clothes, I noticed that she'd thrown up twice. Once at the foot of the bed and once at the head. I don't know what happened, but she didn't wake us up and it wasn't recent. I had to pull all of her sheets and toys and will have to pull Jacob's, too, since I layed her down fo her diaper change (and I just changed them yesterday...!)

Sinec she had not fever and was acting happy and normal, I figured that she probably just choked or something and threw up, so I got the kids dressed so I could go to the gym. As a precaution, I gave Ella juice instead of milk. She and Jacob sat watching Winnie the Poo while I got dressed.

And then she barfed again...

So we're not going to the gym today and I'm having a hard time telling Ella she can't have anything to eat or drink. What a day... and it's only 9AM!!!