Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good Morning, Barfy!

This morning, Jacob woke me up at about 6:50AM asking questions about worms. This is not unusual, but I was glad that he hadn't woken Ella in the process (as he usually does). I told him to go play in the livingroom until it was day time and NOT to wake Ella. I hear him go immediately into their shared room, talking the whole time, then walk back out and into the livingroom. About one minute later, I hear Ella calling, "Mommy!?"

I get up and wander in the dark to get Ella and bring her to bed with me. (Sometimes this works and she goes back to sleep.) As soon as I picked her up, I could smell that she needed a diaper change and her shirt was wet. I lay her down on Jacob's bed, thinking how funny it was that I could do a diaper change in the dark. I was confused when I noticed that her diaper was not poopy and that it wasn't all that wet either. I stood her up, bewildered at the stench and then I touched her hair...

(the following is in super secret code)

Her hair had chunks of food and barf all in it. I guess she threw up in her sleep and continued to sleep in it. It was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. I took her down the hall to the bathroom and finally turned on some lights. On the left side of her head was a matted mess that had to have been five inches in diameter. It was nasty. I drew a bath and immediately started working on her hair. I have never been queasy around barf, but this made me gag several times. It was one for the record books... After I gave her one bath, I drained the water and barf and gave her another one. She's not really a fan of having her hair washed and the poor girl got it twice this morning. The unfortunate thing is that her hair still stinks! I might give her another bath before she goes to bed tonight...

When I went to get her some clothes, I noticed that she'd thrown up twice. Once at the foot of the bed and once at the head. I don't know what happened, but she didn't wake us up and it wasn't recent. I had to pull all of her sheets and toys and will have to pull Jacob's, too, since I layed her down fo her diaper change (and I just changed them yesterday...!)

Sinec she had not fever and was acting happy and normal, I figured that she probably just choked or something and threw up, so I got the kids dressed so I could go to the gym. As a precaution, I gave Ella juice instead of milk. She and Jacob sat watching Winnie the Poo while I got dressed.

And then she barfed again...

So we're not going to the gym today and I'm having a hard time telling Ella she can't have anything to eat or drink. What a day... and it's only 9AM!!!


Orchid said...

yikes. that sucks; i hope she gets better quickly!

Brooke said...

I am so sorry. My eyes watered for you. Whether out of sympathy or grossed-out-ness, I don't know.