Friday, February 20, 2009


No comments? Seriously? No one but me thinks that it's amazing that Jake can speak some Spanish that nobody taught him and Ella can use the potty at the age of one and on the first try? Really??? I guess we'll have to try harder...


Unknown said...

C'mon now. Your kids are amazing! Like all parents, you will remember these times when they amazed you. Your audience is sitting back smiling about you experiencing the miracle of human life! It is amazing! Linda

Jessica Rhodes said...

I just feel so isolated... it would be nice to get feedback every once in a while. : )

Unknown said...

ok. You got it.

Orchid said...

I'm so impressed! That's a big relief for you with the potty training. I missed the part about Jacob speaking Spanish, so I'll have to go back.

If I had children I could compare them to yours and then make up lies about how mine are better.

For my babies all I can say is that Denali loves french fries and eats paper off the coffee table when we're not looking. She will also eat cat poo and moldy grass, yum! Olivia meows and walks back and forth in front of Kevin until he lets her sit on his lap, and she sleeps at my feet. Her favorite place to sit is on a bookshelf, so clearly she is a genius.

Hope said...

I'm so sorry. I just haven't checked your blog in awhile. But yes, Jacob's Spanish skills are incredible, his adding skills are incredible, Ella's potty skills are incredible, and YOU are incredible. Please don't try harder, you might get a hernia. And I don't want to read any posts are hernias. I don't even know if I'm spelling that right. Anyway, oh yeah, and I liked the Black Panther story.
Okay, must go. Benji is whining like a maniac.