Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sickness, Fall Break, and House Sitting

First Jacob was sick for three days, then Ella was sick for three days, then Kris was sick for three days... and it seems like today might be day #1 for me.

Thursday and Friday were Fall Break. I house/dog sat Wednesday through Sunday at a fellow teacher's house while he and his family went on vacation. The dog is old and has a myriad of medications, but was really nice and the kids loved her. They liked taking her for walks and picking up leaves along the way. Near the house is a stream where we threw rocks and horse apples and leaves before heading back to the house for hot chocolate. Jacob likes his with marshmallows, Ella prefers without.

On Saturday while Ella napped, Jake and I went and bought new shoes for Irish Dance class. They're basically black shoes with black laces that he'll wear with his uniform. We ordered the shirt and shorts last week and will probably have them this week. I just found out yesterday that one of Jake's teachers, Collin, was in Lord of the Dance, so I'm a little more in awe of the spiky haired teen I see on Wednesdays.

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