Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Week 31

It has hit me. I am miserable.

I have been uncomfortable for some time now, but have now definitely passed into the realm of miserable.

The following are activities which I find to be terrible:
*lying down
*putting on socks
*putting on pants
*going to the bathroom
*feeding the cat

I now take Prevacid, so I only wake up once a night choking on bile, but the indigestion has been replaced with leg cramps. I wake up several times a night with my calves on fire and I wake in the morning feeling as though I've just run five miles. I've hit my goal weight so I only force myself to eat more than I want instead of eating more than will stay down. I've quit the Ensure and soda and am trying to eat actual foods and water instead. It's nowhere near the calories I'm supposed to have, but it makes me feel better, mentally and physically.

I've been able to fake "fine" for a while now, but this week I'm miserable.

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