Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Trip to the Dentist

Jacob went to the dentist for the first time today. We waited for an hour before they took him back to get x-rays. Then they told me that I had to go to the waiting room while the x-rays were being taken but that they would come get me after. An HOUR later, Jacob comes out, finished, and the doctor says that he can't eat or drink anything for four hours because they've given him a flouride treatment. Well, Jacob had not eaten since 8:00 and it's now 12:15 (the appointment, by the way, was for 10:30). We tell her that there is no way that he can wait another four hours to eat or drink, so she says go eat lunch then come back and I'll redo the treatment. So we go eat lunch, come back, and 20 minutes later, leave with a freshly flourided child. Kris was supposed to meet a student at 1:00 and we didn't have a cell phone, so it kinda messed up his day, and Ella was supposed to be asleep at around 11:30, so after five minutes of frantic crying in the car, she fell asleep. The good news is that Jacob has no cavities and was very good the entire time : )

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