Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Mind of a Three-Year-Old

Today we've sold our couch and our TV cabinet and our coffee table. This leaves us sitting in beach chairs staring at a borrowed TV on the ground. Jacob is enjoying the whole set up immensely! The TV will be put on top of Jacob's little table, but not until Kris and Ella get backfrom their walk.

Jacob says, "Can I watch TV while Ella's walking?"
"I wish you could, sweetheart, but it's not plugged in."
"Well, can you get it plugged in?"
"No, honey. It's too heavy. We have to wait for Daddy. I'm too little to pick it up."
"Okay, then let's sing the birthday song. Do it to you, Mommy."

I oblige, singing, "Happy Birthday, Dear Mommyyyyyyy..."

Jacob says, "Okay! Now you're 10! Now you can pick up the TV!"

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