Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today's Acheivements

Ella completed a 24 piece Elmo puzzle by herself today. She also figured out how to use the computer mouse to play her favorite games on Yo Gabba Gabba.

Jacob picked up a little theology today:

(Jacob is playing a Power Rangers game on the computer.)

J: Can you help me play this game?
Me: No, Jake, you have to either keep trying or try another game. Besides, that game is too hard for me.
J: Do you know who can win this game?
Me: Who?
J: God.
Me: Oh...
J: Where does God live?
Me: Well, some people say that God is everywhere and some people say that God lives in heaven and some people say that He lives in our hearts and some people say that he doesn't live anywhere.
J: I know where he lives.
Me: Oh yeah?
J: In heaven.
Me: Okay!
J: Can we go talk to God?
Me: Well, sometimes God chooses to talk to people like Moses or I guess if you died and went to heaven you could talk to God. Or you could pray.

(Taught Jacob how to pray a nice little prayer about the nice weather and parents.)

J: I wanna pray a different prayer.
Me: Oh yeah? What do you want to pray for?
J: To win this game.

1 comment:

Orchid said...

Hahaha! That totally makes sense from a 4-year-old view!