Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day Two Without Kris

5AM: Woke up one hour early to get myself ready first.

6AM: Woke up Jacob, got him ready, woke up Ella, gave her a bath (strangely familiar...). She cries the entire time as I wash the barf out of her hair.

6:50AM: Out the door. Drop off Ella. Drop off Jacob. Get to work.

2:00PM: No calls about Ella, so I run to Target and the grocery store.

3:15PM: Pick up Jacob.

3:30PM: Pick up Ella. She was woken up from her nap, but had fallen back to sleep. She'd had no problems during the day and got to have some Jell-o. Once at home, she lays back down for a while and the kids watch some cartoons. She gets more playful, but still won't eat anything. She only wants juice.

7:30PM: Put the kids to bed.

8:00PM: Put the kids to bed again. Jake says he can't go to bed because his bed is wet. Ella's apparently sick on the other end now... Change Ella's diaper. Change Jacob's sheets. Lights out and good night.

9:00PM: Ella needs another diaper change, but this is the last I hear from her all night.

9:30PM: I'm in bed HOURS before my usual bedtime.

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