Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Jacob's Favorite Things Are:
*Irish Dance
*The Colts

Jacob is very excited to grow up and have kids because he likes to meet new people.

Jacob wonders how you can ever get married because so many girls are already married.

Jacob has a pile of all his best toys. These are being saved for his future kids because Jake thinks that they are cool and fun and that his kids would really like them. At one point, the pile was taking up 2/3 of his bed, but it's now been moved to the floor (and soon to a box, we hope!).

Jacob has recently been introduced to Tom and Jerry and just absolutely cracks up when he watches it, even if it's not Friday. (Jacob only laughs on Fridays.)

When Jacob grows up, he's going to have a store called The Colts and everything in there will be about The Colts. Outside in the back yard, will be rides and a playground. Jessica is allowed to work there, too, but she will have to live at home, not in the store.

Jacob has a kindergarten level workbook that he likes. Once he finishes a lesson, however, someone had BETTER give him a 100 A+ or else.

Regardless of how many times Ella hits Jacob over the head and screams at him, he never hits her back. We have told him it's okay to do so (because often she deserves it) but he never wants to. That pacifism and maturity make us very happy, but we wince as he stands there getting pummeled by Ella.

Jacob will be competing in his first Feis (fesh) this summer on June 12th. He'll be dancing his very best jig in the 5 and under category.

Jacob no longer likes pizza but LOVES broccoli.

Jacob's Pile


Unknown said...

he is a great kid. love the post

Brooke said...

You have an amazing child. Really. What a treasure.