Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why Jacob Wasn't Eating Lunch...

A few weeks ago, Jacob was coming home with an almost full lunchbox. We were worried that he didn't like his food, so we kept trying different things in hopes that he would eat. Turns out, he wasn't eating lunch because he was eating two breakfasts- one at home and one at school.

I received the following email from Kris:

So it looks like Jake has indeed been using his milk money for breakfast. To be clear, he had no idea he was doing anything wrong--he was just going where people told him to go. He's also been paying for his milks, but didn't think he was paying anything for them because he's the only kid in his class that just gets milk, so has been allowed to go to the front of the line and the lunch workers rang him up behind the scenes. So I figure we'll tell Jake not to get breakfast at school--but maybe we can give him a little breakfasty food in his lunchbox so he can still socialize etc. Then in a week we'll check to see that he's not buying breakfast anymore. And if he is, they said they can put a stop on his account that will let him get milk at lunch but nothing at breakfast.

We now feed him breakfast at home and send him with a granola bar so that he can eat breakfast again with his friends. Such a little Hobbit...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't forget about 2nd breakfast!