Friday, March 9, 2012


Went to Jacob's Irish Dance ceili and ran into Maroua, Ryan, Rami, and Laila! We walked into the Knights of Columbus hall on Friday night, expecting to eat and watch Irish dance when someone walked up to me and said, "Hey, double pregnant." I was amazingly surprised to see Maroua since she lives two states away. I mean, let's face it... Irish dance fundraisers at the Knights of Columbus are not exactly tourist destinations! It was really good to catch up and the kiddos had a great time running around and eating cookies. I, myself, ate entirely too many servings of green beans and potatoes, but at the time it made sense. I haven't had any true cravings during this pregnancy, but every now and then I'll eat something and be unable to stop. It's as though I've disovered the food for the first time and it's the best thing I've ever eaten.

The Jawadi/Ochsner Fam came over Saturday morning for yet another surprise. I received a long-distance surprise baby shower! Hope sent diapers, wipes, and nursing pads; Lisa sent super fancy birdhouses and a gift card; Michelle sent two hooded monkey towels; Gram and Paula sent gift cards; and Maroua brought me a ton of Rami's baby clothes. It was an amazing and unexpected gesture. We took the kids over to the Hilton for some swimming and wore them out completely. Mom called and she and Aunt Peggy were nearing the house, so we packed up and headed home. Once there, I had ANOTHER long-distance surprise shower! The ladies at the church had all written cards and included gift cards. I feel so loved! We are now able to get everything we need for the boys' arrival.


Bridget said...

Ok, I totally fail as a friend. Even though I helped to "plan" the surprise party, I failed to get a gift for it... So what are all those things you need for the boys??

Jessica Rhodes said...

Mostly just diapers, I think. I have a shower on Friday so I'll have a better idea then.

Also, it's the thought that counts. Seriously. ; )