Friday, April 24, 2009

How Much is a Cat Worth?

Tomo, the morbily obsese, lazy-eyed cat is requiring dental surgery. She had a tooth extracted 4 years ago, but there seems to be some root material stuck in there. Now her whole face is swollen and she's running a temperature. The good news is that it hasn't really affected her eating. She is still a whopping 15.5 pounds. That's my girl! She'll be on antibiotics for a week prior to jaw surgery.

Anyhoo, if you were planning on giving us birthday gifts, please send us money so we can pay for cat teeth. Also, if you were not planning on giving us birthday gifts, please hire us to clean things, grade your paper, or take pictures of stuff.


Brooke said...

Anyone want to write my paper? I'll pay. I really will.

Jessica Rhodes said...

Do I have to actually know what I'm talking about or can it be a Miss America answer?