Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's Up?

Well... we've been playing outside, playing inside, planting flowers, playing in mud, reinacting Star Wars, playing "chest," drawing sea turtles, counting to 100, and planning future global excursions.

Jacob has been using his monkey hat, pulling it over his face, and saying, "Luke, I am your father." To which one should reply, "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He also has the breathing down and everything. This is how he wakes me up at 7AM every morning.

Ella is Princess Leia and wants to have her hair in little buns.

Jacob and Kris play chess every day. They've progressed to Jake having all pieces and Kris having all pawns, a king, and a queen. Kris always loses so he might be awarded a bishop soon.

Ella the Amazing has been drawing circles with a dot in the center and calling them sea turtles. I don't know where she got this idea, but we're going with it. I need to post pictures...

Jacob can count to 100 now, but just so you know, his favorite number is infinity.

Ella's currently into: princesses, ballerinas, the color pink, and monsters.

Jacob is trying to learn all the countries in the world. This is because he thinks that he can speak all languages. He has the They Might be Giants song, "The Alphabet of Nations" memorized so he's constantly asking, "Where is Suriname? Can we go there? Where is Zimbabwe? Can we go there? Where is Pakistan? Can we go there? Where is Egypt? Can we go there?" His favorite places on the map are Antarctica, China, Russia, and America. He is also learning the planets, but he only wants to go to Jupiter.

Ella is just advancing all over. She's quite the little gymnast- she can put one hand on a table, one hand on the couch, lock her elbows, and bring her feet out in front of her like she's doing the rings at the Olympics. She can do somersaults. Her drawing is in the lines and she's started making circles. Her sentences grow more and more complex and her vocab is huge. Her memory is a little too good - since going to the doctor two weeks ago, Ella constantly remarks, "I don't wanna poke a finger!" Sometimes it's the first thing she says in the morning... Other Ellaisms include "Holdja!" when she wants to be held, "Lemme do it!," and "I gota owie." She talks about owies that aren't even there anymore.

Darth Vader


Jessica Rhodes said...

Forgot to add Ella's:

E: "Wass kleigle (or any nonsense word) mean?"

J: "I don't know."

E: "Thas how say 'hello' in Spanish."

Guess where she got that...

Unknown said...

Great Pics

Orchid said...

And don't forget Ella's "Hello Lola"!

Great black and whites of the kids rolling around. I love those (and the one with you in it too).

Jessica Rhodes said...

Oh yes... the "Hello, Lola" song...

Didn't mention Jake's "fragile" either. That's the new chess piece he made up. "A rook can move straight and a bishop can move diagonally but a fragile can move straight and diagonally AND striagonally!"