Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good News

Today we got a call letting us know that Jacob has been accepted into the Preschool of the Arts. We went to check it out today and it's about a 5 minute drive from the house. It seems like a really nice school with three playgrounds, a hugh grassy area to run, and a brand new school building. When we walked up, we saw a class of kids on tricycles, a class in the field kicking a huge beach ball, and a rack of about 30 pairs of rain boots. He will start school on the 14th.

Kris went to the Ivy Tech campus today to post fliers offering tutoring when he ran into the Philosophy chair. The two started talking and now Kris has one, possibly two, courses he'll be teaching in the Spring. Still not sure what will happen with this semester, but he has an appointment with Kaplan on Tuesday, so we'll see how that goes.

I have had one day of subbing and have two more scheduled this week. Unfortunately, nothing next week, but today I took my day off as an opportunity to apply for more schools. I turned in applications to sub at a private school and a different school district, as well as a full time teaching position at a day care. I'm less thrilled with the prospect of teaching 2-2.5 year olds all day, but I'll take what I can get. If I get the day care job, we'd like to see about getting Ella enrolled. It's a pricey school, however, so we'll have to wait and see.


Hope said...

Those are some great leads! I'm praying for you guys, that you'll be able to find some good jobs. Hang in there, my dear.

michellep said...

Oh, that's all very wonderful news, and can I let you in on a secret, I've been praying for you guys as well :) I really hope things keep looking up!

Unknown said...

good news!