Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day was on Sunday the 13th since Kris will be working the 14th. We all went out to eat at Jason's Deli (the only one in Indiana just opened up) before heading to the mall to visit the Build a Bear store. The kids were allowed to pick one outfit for their animal as a gift from us. Jacob picked out a Storm Tooper costume and Ella picked out a Sleeping Beauty costume. Both kids were really excited about the new gear so we stopped and switched out Dog Vader's garb for that of a Dog Trooper and Ballerina Kitty became Princess Kitty.

We headed over to Border's to get some new books. Jake has already finished the three books we bought him a couple of weeks ago so we picked up the next Captain Underpants and Kris bought him Wayside Stories. Ella had picked out a princess fairy tales book but changed her mind at the last minute and went for an Elmo puppet book instead.

We headed home where the kids played for a bit before Ella had her nap. Once she was awake, she and I went to the grocery store and picked up strawberries, raspberries, and dipping chocolate. She wanted a balloon too so we stopped by the Dollar Tree on our way home so she could pick out a balloon. She chose one that looked like a red rose. For Jacob we got a frog holding a heart.

While Kris made dinner, the kids and I dipped the fruit in chocolate, some with sprinkles and some plain. They were impatient to eat their treats so they hurried through dinner, declaring themselves finished with a mass of food still in their mouths. We all ate entirely too much and played until bed time.

*Off topic, Ella woke up at 4:30 this morning because she'd thrown up. She only seemed irritated that she'd made a mess and was fine otherwise. Jacob did the same thing Friday night, barfing once and then was fine for the rest of the weekend. Could this possibly be the nicest stomach bug ever?

Ella draws the pickle:

Red vs. Green:

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