Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recital 2011

Tonight was Jacob's dance recital. Ella stayed with the sitter so it was just me and the Jakemeister. He was really excited and had a really great time.

I was specifically instructed NOT to take any video during the performance because of choreography issues, so please... the six people who read this, don't steal Jake's moves.


maroua said...

The awesomeness is beyond me. He has gotten so good. I love it!

Jessica Rhodes said...

Thanks! We were really proud : )

Hope said...

so cute! And I'm TOTALLY going to steal those dance moves!

Grandad said...

I am so proud of Jake! He has improved so much, and he's got some really good moves. Look out, Michael Flatley!


Brooke said...

I'm so jealous that you have a dancer son.

Just one question about his partner: Is that her hair?

Jessica Rhodes said...

That is a wig! The girls have the choice of either curling their hair in a million tiny curls or getting a wig for $45. I have a boy so I win! No tedious curling and no fake hair ; )