Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our Weird Week and J&e's Shopping Day

Monday was President's Day so only Kris had to go to school. Jake was a little under the weather so we just stayed at home in our pajamas and played. The next morning, Jacob had a fever so Kris stayed with him in the morning and I came home at lunch and watched him the rest of the day. Same thing Wednesday, but we had the added joy of some barfing that morning. Jacob got over his headcold enough to go to school on Thursday so that was a normal day. Friday morning we woke up to 5 inches of snow so we had a late start.
Saturday I needed to get a new dress so I bribed Ella with a new dress and a hot dog and we headed out for a day of shopping. We went by Target, JCPenney's, and H&M with little stops at the bookstore and the candy store to reward my good girl. Ella picked out a dress and a flower petal crown at Target, some sunglasses at The Children's Place, an Alice in Wonderland book at the bookstore, and some chocolate turtles at the candy store. (I found a dress for myself at Penney's.) I could tell Ella was getting tired (she'd missed her nap) but as we were headed out of the mall, we stopped by the Disney store. It was as though Ella had died and gone to heaven! She loved the costumes, the clothes, the dolls... she wanted EVERYTHING! After about the 10th time of me saying, "Maybe for your birthday..." Ella started to cry. She was so sad that it wasn't her birthday yet! I picked up my tired girl and carried her to the car. Poor thing was asleep before we even made it out of the parking lot.

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