Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jacob!!!

Jacob is FOUR today!!! The morning started out with pancakes, a #4 candle, and a chorus of "Happy Birthday." Then to appease Ella, we followed up with a #2 candle and an encore of "Happy Birthday." Jacob took M&M cookies to Kid Fit at the gym and afterwards, we took the yearly birthday pictures at JCPenney's. They were behind schedule (of course) but we were given the added entertainment of crazy people both before and after us in line. There was yelling and arguing and security... very exciting. Since we were nice, we were given the Smiles By Wire for free : ) We had a mall lunch before heading back home. Once Ella was awake from her nap, we all piled in the car and headed to Chuck E. Cheese. Jacob was really REALLY excited. He barely touched his pizza (Ella didn't even take a bite) before heading off to ride rides and play games.


michellep said...

Oh it looks like so much fun! Can't believe Jacob is 4. Happy Birthday Jacob!

Hope said...

Fun, fun!!! Ethan looked at the pictures, and said, "Ooh, Chucke Cheese"