Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is There a Doctor in the House???

My dearest, darling Ella does not sleep well. She wakes up crying 5 out of 7 nights a week, but usually puts herself back to sleep. About every week and a half, however, she cries so much and so loudly, that we have to go get her. This makes her very angry which makes her cry even more. When she is crying, she doesn't want to be held, sung to, moved, touched... she's just mad to be awake. When she has her 30 minute to 2 hour crying spells, she writhes and says things like "No! No! No!" and "Owie!!!" and "Help me!" This started in September.

The Usual Suspects:
1.) Growing Pains
2.) Gas
3.) Teething
4.) Wanting Attention

The Evidence:
1.) Growing Pains- Her owies are usually nonspecific and she's always crying.
2.) Gas- Ella's not super consistent with the ol' bowel movements. Last night's screaming jag lasted all night and was the end to three days with no poo. Today, she went three times. We've been giving her tons of fiber and fruit, but nothing helps.
3.) Teething- Ella has just cut her two bottom molars. Top ones are still inside.
4.) Wanting Attention- I'm pretty sure this isn't it since she seems to get really really mad when we touch her. She doesn't want to get out of her bed; she doesn't want to be held; she doesn't want to hear songs; she doesn't want to drink milk. These comforting things all make her cry more.

Any ideas???

Last night's crying was probably the worst we've had. She cried all night... when she passed out from crying, she writhed and kicked Kris and I so we didn't get any sleep either. Kris didn't even go into work today! Later, Ella missed her nap because of all the "diaper surprises" and was a crank monster the rest of the day. She has her two year doctor's appointment on the 26th, but if I can solve it before then, I'd love to!


Klif said...

Have you checked that she's not turned Zombie? Also, I've heard tale of these symptoms adding up to a mean bout of HypoNinjitis -- find a sly, tiny chinaman, but him in a black robe, and let him babysit her for a couple of hours. It works, J- does it to me ALL THE TIME.

Jessica Rhodes said...

Can't be zombieism. She's a ninja and ninjas are forever.

Hope said...

YIKES! That sounds terrible. I'm sorry; I have no brilliant ideas. My best guess is growing pains. Sheesh, good luck.

Brooke said...

night terrors? miles used to do something similar and we diagnosed it as night terrors. google it.

harry also did something similar. he would get really mad and act like he was really really uncomfortable.

the thing is, with both kids, they didn't ever seem to be completely awake. so, all i can really offer here is some empathy and sympathy and a little bit of it's all temporary.

Jessica Rhodes said...

Hmmm.... she's not awake, so it's like the night terrors thing. She just seems so uncomfortable! This last bout ended up being three days. It's the longest and worst its ever been. Such a mystery...

LC said...

This reminds me of a little girl who woke up crying, saying that she couldn't find her way back to Sesame Street. I still have no idea which street she thought she was on. And, I was not able to give her good directions. But, eventually, GPS was invented and she was never lost again.

Sometimes kids just have overwhelming immaginary predicaments that defy explanation. The good news is that they finally grow up. And when they grow up, they find reality so overwhelming that they sleep as much as they can. Go figure.

Jessica Rhodes said...


LAST night was the worst ever...