Sunday, March 15, 2009

This Week in Acheivements...

*can now pedal her bike backwards and forwards
*is really good at coloring within lines and has proven it by coloring inside several of her story books
*has decided that yes, she really is a pie worm

*learned checkers and is now learning chess, or "chest" as it's known around here
*is trying to learn all of the countries on his world map place mat. Here's how dinner sounds, "What is this place? Can we go there? And what about this place? Can we go there???"
*tries to play chest using the tiles in the kitchen

*is ordering 8X10 prints of her photos to show at a local pizza place

*is currently writing a giant paper about why swamp man has phenomenal awareness


Orchid said...

Oh yeah, well, just because your kids are geniuses who know what pie worms are and can ride bikes and play chess... crap, I can't win this one.

Big congrats on the photos! I hope you're selling them!

Kris' paper - whaaa??

Jessica Rhodes said...

It's an actual philosophy problem-- the essence of swamp man. They are so retarded!!!