Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jacob's 6 Year Doctor Visit

Everything went well... Jake's healthy and doesn't require any more vaccinations. I was kind of thrown for a loop when we found out that he's 30% on height and 40% on weight since he's always been ahead of the curve, but the doctor didn't seem to have any worries so we won't worry either. I'll go ahead and tack on that Jacob has been admitted into the STRETCH (GT) Program. He'll no longer be at Mary Castle, but at Brook Park Elementary. We are very excited and very proud since he had to go through three rounds of testing to get in. I know that he loves school, but is sometimes bored with the classroom activities. Luckily Jake has such a good temperment that he's never complained. His teachers allow the students to have their own take on learning so even if the class is working on something too easy, Jake can extend it to his own needs. Next year he will be in a dedicated classroom with teachers trained to work with gifted students. We are so excited for him!

1 comment:

maroua said...

Yay for Jacob! That's awesome :)